Full details on OCC website. Comment by 31 Dec 2021
From the OCC website
We’re asking for your views on the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit zone on various roads within Harwell, replacing the existing 30mph speed limit as necessary. Accompanying the reduced limit, a number of associated traffic calming features are also proposed to be constructed. The proposals are being put forward as part of/under funding support from the Great Western Park development.
Please read the detailed information provided on this consultation, and take the time to complete the survey as your views and opinions matter. Your response should be completed and returned by Friday 31 December 2021.
Whilst we will endeavour to answer simple queries during the course of the consultation, any more complex questions/issues will be appraised and dealt with as part of consultation process.
What happens next?
The County Council will review the responses and if necessary (i.e. if objections are received) prepare a report to be presented to the Cabinet Member for Highway Management at a meeting scheduled for early in 2022. This will be public meeting at which members of the public may apply to speak. The agenda and reports for meetings will be made available on the Oxfordshire County Council web site about a week before the meeting (please note that occasionally it is necessary to defer reports to a later meeting, and it is therefore advisable to check the agenda ahead of attending a meeting). The Forward Plan of decisions meetings can be viewed here(External link).
Here’s the plan:
Click on the map to open the full PDF from the OCC website
Full details on OCC website. Comment by 31 Dec 2021
John Curry says
What a great idea, 20mph is ideal throughout the village especially on Blenheim Hill where foot paths are limited.